Conducting all QFII related foreign exchange settlement, sales, receipt, payment and RMB settlement businesses; opening rate& closing rate (二)办理合格投资者的有关结汇、售汇、收汇、付汇和人民币资金结算业务;开盘汇率与收盘汇率
The issuing bank will sell the banker's acceptance in the market and remit the funds to the beneficiary. 2. Conducting all QFII related foreign exchange settlement, sales, receipt, payment and RMB settlement businesses; 开证行将在市场上售出银行承兑汇票,而后把这笔款汇付给受益人。(二)办理合格投资者的有关结汇、售汇、收汇、付汇和人民币资金结算业务;
The Boundary of Foreign Settlement and Its Effect in Hankou 租界之界&汉口租界的边界与边界效应
I.When collecting the statistical data about the foreign exchange settlement and sale business, banks shall convert non-USD currencies into USD at the real time exchange rate. 银行统计结售汇业务数据,将非美元货币折算为美元时,应使用实时交易汇率。
Tax payers have the right to choose the date for foreign exchange settlement and calculate with the convertible rate. 纳税人有选择外汇结算日期,计算折合率的权利。
The term "foreign currency settlement account" refers to an inter-bank foreign currency savings account which is opened at a settlement agent for the settlement of foreign currencies. 外币结算账户是指参与者在代理结算银行开立的,用于外币结算的外币同业存款账户。
This 4-year occupation by the Japanese turned out to be the darkest period of time in the history of foreign settlement. 日本独占的4年,是鼓浪屿租界史上最黑暗的时期。
In investing in securities the Capital in RMB acquired through foreign exchange settlement, a foreign-invested enterprise shall implement relevant regulations. 外商投资企业以资本金结汇所得人民币资金用于证券投资,应当按国家有关规定执行。
Responsible of monthly Foreign Exchange Settlement. 每月外汇结汇。
The existence of not just a foreign settlement but a Western settlement, some 13 centuries before the arrival of Marco Polo and 16 centuries before the Portuguese established a colony in Macau, would require some rewriting of history. 如果大约在马可波罗来到中国13个世纪之前、葡萄牙人在澳门建立殖民地16个世纪之前就在中国存在着一个外国的而且是西方的定居点,这将会改写历史。
Foreign exchange settlement risk is also called the Herstatt risk. 外汇结算风险由称为“赫斯特风险”。
I'd like to be a foreign exchange settlement clerk. 我想做外汇结算员。
New York foreign exchange market is the United States not only the centre of the domestic foreign exchange transactions, but also countries in the world foreign exchange settlement hub. 纽约外汇市场是美国,不仅该中心的国内外汇交易中,但也有些国家,在世界上的外汇结算中心。
The branch administrations shall, after checking and finding nothing in doubt, return to the member the full foreign currency settlement funds including the guarantee. 分局在账务核对无误后将全额退还该会员包括清算保证金在内的外币清算资金。
Foreign Claims Settlement Commission 国外赔偿清算委员会
The term "participant" refers to a bank which has joined the foreign currency payment system and opened a foreign currency settlement account at a settling bank. 参与者是指参加外币支付系统并在代理结算银行开立外币结算账户的银行。
Third, after China joining WTO, the competition between state-owned banks and foreign-owned banks will still focus on foreign exchange business whose kernel is foreign trade settlement, not on RMB business. 中国加入WTO后,外资银行与国有独资商业银行竞争的重点仍是以国际贸易结算业务为核心的外汇业务,而非人民币业务。
This article mainly studies the public building of the Hankou foreign settlement area, specially studies representational religious and financial buildings in stress. 本文以汉口原租界区的公共建筑为研究对象,其中有以宗教金融类建筑为重点研究对象。
Continuous Linked Settlement ( CLS) is a foreign exchange settlement method that has emerged in recent years around the world. CLS是近年来在全球范围内兴起的一种外汇交易清算方式。
Discussion on the Development of Foreign Trade Settlement and Financing Service in Guangxi 广西贸易结算及融资匹配业务发展刍议
Under the stiff competition of foreign settlement, until the beginning of 20 century, the formerly prosperous old city had become being dependency on the foreign settlement, and had occurred great change in its image and functions. 这样在租界区域的强力竞争之下,到20世纪初,原本繁荣的老城厢已成为租界城区经济上的附庸,整个城区的形象和功能都发生了极大的变化。
Its formation, on the one hand, was closely related to the change of economic function, on the other hand, the management idea and scientific rationality of life style in the foreign settlement were inseparable. 其形成一方面与外滩经济功能的转变有莫大关系,另一方面与租界的管理理念、生活方式等因素密不可分。
This paper first discussed the USA, UK, Germany, Japan shikoku non-legal dispute settlement mechanism of development and type, and understand the foreign diversified dispute settlement mechanism of the development path. 首先论述了美、英、德、日四国非诉讼纠纷解决机制的发展与类型,从而了解了国外多元化纠纷解决机制的发展道路。
Introduced the Chinese ancient and foreign litigation settlement system. 先后介绍了我国古代和国外的诉讼和解制度。
Because of the compulsory foreign exchange settlement and sales system, with the increasing of dual balance of payments surplus, we have more and more foreign exchange reserves every year. 由于我国实行的是强制结售汇制度,随着国际收支双顺差的不断增大,外汇储备越来越多,外汇占款逐年增加。
The society started in the isolated Shanghai foreign settlement in the period of Anti-Japanese War. The society was also a cultural activity of association for the interest of the artistic taste. 午社发起于抗战时期论为孤岛的上海租界,一批词人基于自身艺术趣味进行结社这一活动。
Meanwhile, there are shielding effect between Guangxi and Vietnam such as transport facilities, market demand and poor export structure, irrational industrial structure and layout of a single channel of foreign trade settlement and other issues. 同时,桂越之间也存在消极因素,如交通不便、出口结构与市场需求不畅、产业结构布局不合理及外贸结算渠道单一等问题。
This article mainly aims at foreign trade Yuan-denominated settlement problem is studied. 本文主要针对对外贸易中人民币计价结算问题进行了研究。
After Shanghai opened the port, the western diet culture input Shanghai through each way, the opening of five ports foreign settlement became bridgehead of coffee introduction, afterward presented the independent business cafe. 上海开埠后,西方饮食文化通过各种途径输入上海,五口通商的租界首当其冲成为咖啡引入的桥头堡,后来出现了独立营业的咖啡馆。
The second chapter introduces the practice of foreign criminal settlement and legislation so as to analyze the basis of the criminal reconciliation in our country. 第二章主要介绍国外刑事和解实践及立法。欲借此分析我国刑事和解的基础。